Psychic Medium Marie Offline
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About Me
Runes can give very concise and deep answers to any query, they tend to get strait to the point.
Service & Experience
I use the runes to give an overall read on any situation. For longer readings they can be used to reveal what energy is being trapped in different parts of the body.
Marie is a natural psychic medium who has been in touch with her ancestors for a long as she can remember. She has 20+ years experience doing readings of various kinds. She fell in love with reading tarot and runes during her studies to become a Germanic Shaman. After suffering for two years from daily migraines she found relief through a combination of nutrition guidance and ThetaHealing. She is a certified a Certified ThetaHealer® and teaches the Basic DNA ThetaHealing course several times a year, and will be adding more classes throughout the next two years. When not healing, she does a bunch of types of art. She is former lighting designer and production manager for theatre, and had her own theatre company for a while. She still paints and writes. Areas of life that Marie can help you with: Setting Boundaries, PTSD, Breakups, Letting go of old relationships, Trauma release, understanding and expressing emotions, which direction to choose next, finding your voice, ancestral healing, clearing the path for a souls mate, aura cleanses, clearing away the beliefs and emotions that you people physically ill, helping adopted pets adjust to a new family… just to name a few.